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Monday, April 30, 2012
Brit Morin Engages $1.25M From Marissa Mayer, Aileen Lee, Founders Fund And More To Launch Her First App, Weduary
LG To Pull Away From Windows Phone?s Loving Embrace, Refocus On Android
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Apple originally prototyped an iPhone with a keyboard
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How would you change the LG Nitro HD?
AT&T's LG Nitro HD is one of those rare devices your writer has actually used. We carried it as our daily driver during this year's CES and were won over by that gorgeous screen, speedy LTE and its thin and light design. Unfortunately our experience matched those in the review: herky-jerky performance and battery life that meant we were always on the lookout for a power point. Of course, you can't have amazing battery life without doubling its thickness, but would you have taken that compromise? We're asking you: how would you change it?
How would you change the LG Nitro HD? originally appeared on Engadget on Sun, 29 Apr 2012 22:40:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.
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Sunday, April 29, 2012
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Meghan McCain Rips Greta Van Susteren for Inviting Lindsay Lohan to White House Dinner
Meghan McCain bashed Fox News' Greta Van Susteren on Twitter Friday for inviting Lindsay Lohan to this weekend's White House Correspondents' Association dinner.
Not just for the sake of hating on Lohan, a la Rosie O'Donnell.
“Let me get this straight,” Meghan McCain, 27, tweeted. “Greta Van Susteren is bringing Lindsay Lohan to the WHC Dinner but has a moral offense to Louie C.K?”
In March, Van Susteren called for a boycott of the Radio/TV Correspondence Dinner over comedian C.K.'s past controversial statements about women.
"The headliner of this year’s Radio and Television Correspondents Dinner is “comedian” Louis C.K. Comedian? I don’t think so. Pig? yes," she wrote.
"He uses filthy language about women. Yes, the C word…and yes, even to describe a woman candidate for Vice President of the United States. It isn’t just Governor Palin he denigrates. He denigrates all women and looks to the crowd to laugh."
Apparently Megs isn't offended ... except by Greta. The daughter of U.S. Sen. John McCain may not be crazy about Lindsay attending, but she's still going.
The Republican blogger, columnist and author Tweeted that she's "headed to DC for the nerd prom." Just hope they don't seat her with Greta or LiLo.
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Friday, April 27, 2012
Adafruit wants to help you hack your Raspberry Pi
So you shelled out a cool $25 to get your hands on the Raspberry Pi -- and, after some hiccups, the thing actually shipped. Now what? Adafruit's got your back. The DIY-friendly company announced that it's getting ready to release its Prototyping Pi Plate Kit, which will help you leverage the little Linux box for some of those home-baked embedded computer projects you're itching to start. Nothing yet in the way of pricing or availability for the product -- not until Adafruit's done testing it on shipping Raspberry Pi units. In the meantime, you can always add it to your hacking wish list by clicking the source link below.
Adafruit wants to help you hack your Raspberry Pi originally appeared on Engadget on Thu, 26 Apr 2012 14:55:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.
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Ikea cardboard digital camera: when Instagram isn't authentic enough (video)
Forget TVs. Want something more whimsical and lo-fi than Instagram? This is a digital camera made of cardboard that Ikea included with its press kit at this year's Milan Design Week. It runs on two AA batteries (Ikea-branded, natch) and features a swing-out USB plug, viewfinder cutout, shutter key and paperclip-friendly erase button. While there are no details on the sensor, lens or storage capacity, the camera holds up to 40 pictures. It's expected to land in Ikea stores at some point but exact pricing and availability are still a mystery. No matter -- this camera is sure to impress hipsters everywhere (and yes, that includes us). Awesome demo video after the break.
Continue reading Ikea cardboard digital camera: when Instagram isn't authentic enough (video)
Ikea cardboard digital camera: when Instagram isn't authentic enough (video) originally appeared on Engadget on Fri, 27 Apr 2012 06:48:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.
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Some Iconia Tab A500s getting Ice Cream Sandwich early, Acer Ring is MIA
Last week, Acer announced that Ice Cream Sandwich would make its way to Iconia Tabs A100 and A500 in Canada and the US starting April 27th, but Phone Arena reports that some owners of the 10.1-inch A500 are getting the option to update a day ahead of schedule. If you're one of the lucky few to be in on the early upgrade, you should be ready to rock with Android 4.0.3 after a 30-minute install. The one potential downside to getting ICS ahead of time? You'll have to wait for the Acer Ring hub, which didn't make the cut for this update.
Some Iconia Tab A500s getting Ice Cream Sandwich early, Acer Ring is MIA originally appeared on Engadget on Thu, 26 Apr 2012 18:52:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.
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